Your creative field
We are looking for a full-time, permanent Senior Controller (all genders) to start as soon as possible. We live remote-first, but you have the freedom to choose whether you want to work hybrid or completely on-site due to your proximity to one of our locations.
About us
Contabo - High-quality Cloud Hosting Made in Germany!
As a leading infrastructure service provider in the field of cloud instances and dedicated servers, we have stood for first-class quality, reliability and favorable prices since our foundation in Munich in 2003. Meanwhile, more than 200,000 customers in over 190 countries trust our services.
We specialize in providing German quality to users worldwide, focusing on the stability and security of our data centers, the optimization of internal processes, and excellent customer support.
Become a part of our future-oriented company, which plays a significant role in the development of digital cloud hosting, and support us with your ideas and commitment.
As our Senior Controller (all genders), you are an absolute numbers expert and can process complex data in an understandable way and thus directly influence the strategy and success of the company. Do you see yourself as the driving force behind financial planning and control in the company?
Together with the existing team, you analyze complex data, develop precise forecasts and thus provide the foundation for successful corporate management, as important economic decisions are made on your basis. Together with the team, you can also make a significant contribution to the strategic direction and further expand controlling.
Your daily tasks, such as the creation and tracking of budgets, forecasting, other analyses and many other topics, are supplemented by exciting projects relating to our business intelligence tool.
Your foresight will enable you to identify financial risks at an early stage and work on measures to minimize them. You will be part of a great team that can tackle any challenge with its expertise.
What convinces us
Your personality, paired with:
We know that you may not currently meet all the requirements. But if you come to us with the right amount of commitment and enthusiasm, we can take off together and make a big difference.
Awesome Prospects
At Contabo, we are in a constant state of change. Even through our strong growth, we always remain flexible, and everyone gets the opportunity to actively shape the future of Contabo and of our customers. With us, everyone can develop their full potential in an environment with flat hierarchies, freedom to organize their work and time, direct communication, an open feedback culture, and leave a footprint through creative co-design. Plus, we offer further advantages:
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